The Interact Club office bearers and the Interactors participated in the walkathon ‘One Walk One Hope’ organised by Canstop, in association with the Rotary Club of Madras, to observe ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ in October. The event was held at Olcott School, Besant Nagar and aimed at creating awareness about early detection and treatment of […]

The Interact Club of the school was declared the winner of Zone-2 for the year 2018-19 at the Youth Services Awards organised by the rotary Club of Madras, in October. Tarun Raja and Chandrasekaran R both of Std XII, were presented with the Outstanding Interactor awards. /*! elementor – v3.8.0 – 30-10-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image-carousel .swiper-container{position:static}.elementor-widget-image-carousel […]
Pradhan Mantri’s innovative learning programme, ‘Dhruv’

Anirudhh Shankar of Std XII was selected for Pradhan Mantri’s innovative learning programme, ‘Dhruv’. He attended the ‘Launch Function’ at ISRO Bangalore in October 2019 followed by a workshop on Music at Delhi from the 12th of October 2019 to 24th of October 2019. Go Back